
Common eye conditions that can be corrected with Oculoplasty

Watery eye (Lacrimation / Epiphora)

A watery eye is caused by over production of tears due to irritation by in-growing lashes, infection, eyelid disease or an obstruction in the drainage of tears in the eye. The treatment depends on the causes of the disease. For example, if the lower eyelid is sagging away from the eye, eyelid will be repositioned through surgery.

The following oculoplasty procedures are available at PEC For Eyelids:

  1. Ptosis correction
  2. Entropion correction
  3. Ectropion correction
  4. Lid retraction
  5. Lid reconstruction
  6. Epiblepharon correction
  7. Trichiasis management (including electro epilation, lash follicle excision)

For Lacrimal Gland (Tear Gland) in eye:

  1. External DCR (with silicon intubation)
  2. Syringing and probing
  3. Punctal occlusion for dry eye

For Eye Socket:

  1. Enucleation with implants
  2. Evisceration with implants
  3. Exenteration

Cosmetic Surgeries:

  1. Upper and lower lid blepharoplasty
  2. Brow lifts
  3. Epicanthus correction

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